Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Nerd Rage!

So, my friends found out the other day that I've never seen any of the Star Wars films, and they've been giving me shit ever since. So I finally broke down and borrowed all the movies from a friend, but I'm not sure how I should watch them.

Should I watch them how they were released (4,5,6,1,2,3), or should I watch them chronologically (1-6). I'm not really sure, cause I already know what happens in the movies (Darth Vader is his dad, ect ect). What do you guys think?


  1. Order in which they were released.

  2. your friend is crazy, just watch the original 3, all the others are rubbish

  3. Order in released would be better for graphics wise, it's kinda annoying to go from current day graphics to the old school stuff. If just for the story, go in order 1-6.

  4. Watch the original trilogy first. The newest films don't compare, but Revenge of the Sith is pretty sweet.

  5. 4,5,6

    Original trilogy is much better.

  6. I am a huge fan of Star Wars. I would watch the original trilogy, first.

  7. Yeah, you'd think since it's chronological that you should watch it 1 through 6, but the skip from great cinema and acting in Episode 3 to the low quality and okay acting of Episode 4 is too much. Not to mention, as someone who watched the original trilogy and then saw the others as they came out, Revenge of the Sith (Episode 3)'s ending is much nicer after having watched the hole series. TRUST ME. You will not catch the importance of the characters if you don't watch the originals first.
